Broken Lands Gazetteer Expansion
Today 21-12-2022 GMT time 22:47 it is the original New Year, and then we have 12 days of Yuletiden.
Overlapping all the mainstream known holidays, so we party all.One if these is a gift I have made for all of you, My Yuletiden gift
The following was said in September 2016 several months after my Broken Lands research began in februari 2016, 11:45am began
Now somewhat later in 2022 I have done what Sturm suggested, I am shittin me skirt due insecurity, anxiety and also as by some pride, for I compiled all canon and fanon, readjusted conflicts and contradictions, filled in the blanks, wrote lots of stuff regarding many things of the Broken Lands, added and readjusted Timelines, tied in the Troll Queen background, and even Immortality attempts going on amongst the Humanoids, I also brought dignity to the humanoids (beyond being labelled as gunfodder), giving them racial resect and much more cultural background. I also fulfilled my promise on more information on Baba Yaga.
I thank the creators of the Gazetteer 10 Orcs of Thar, which was the base I worked upon
I also Thank Gecko, Micky, Agathokles, Seer of Yogh (Geoff Gander), Sturm, John Calvin, Thorfinn Tait, Shawn Stanley, Greg Weatherup, Senarch (art), and some others on “The Piazza” for all their creations (On Pandius) and even direct help.
Without all of them I could not have created this
I also am very thankful for the proofreading by Aoz, and Greenbrier. Without their support and work, I would have given up on many times due my own insecurities and fears.
I finally succeeded in this quest.
I created two Languages
and Tarsh;
Only a few additional maps will be added in the future when finished, I still work on these;
A 1 mile Hex map of the Western Part of the Great Crater ... -936096608
and one of the Silver Sierras Before the Great Crater, ... -936090493
as well as a 1 mile Hex map of the Lower Broken Lands.... ... -934601744
Yet I could no longer wait any longer....for otherwise my fear would prevent me from releasing it, as it did hinder me in writing and especially finishing it.
So here without further ado I present my most recent Compilation/Creation PDF; Mystara Gazetteer Expansion & Additions For the Broken Lands.
The next text is based on a weird vision I got when I mapped the Broken lands, and was mentally wandering in the Broken Lands when a Humanoid somehow did see me.It was the first time my fantasy and creation surpassed the border of reality.
Quantum Mechanics seem to decree that in an infinite universe all possibilities are maybe I did walk the Broken Lands in my mind. I hope you all can now image the same feeling and thought, and hope you all like this PDF. (Image by Senarch, Language in Gobbleton)
427MB (448 million bytes), 451 pages, 6359 paragraphs, 20.363 lines, 294.698 words, 1.450.896 characters, (1.743.712 with spaces)
Created basically in segments 02 Februari 2016 11.45 with this post viewtopic.php?p=171370#p171370
Creation compilation started 23 august 2016 16;06
Creation compilation finished after 2875 saves, 27 new fille-making and 19 new PDFing 19-12-2022
total time worked on 2305 days (about 1100 days literally worked between 2 and 12 hours daily on it, and this includes the maps)
I hope you will all enjoy this work.
The creation was a rib from my life
Have fun enjoy life love and gaming
Happy Yuletiden